Lawyers play a crucial role in the legal system, with their work extending far beyond courtroom appearances. While popular perception often associates lawyers with dramatic courtroom battles, the true nature of their work lies in the meticulous drafting of appropriate pleadings, motions, and other paperwork.
When individuals seek legal representation, they often expect their lawyer to defend their interests in a courtroom setting. However, the bulk of a lawyer's work involves careful analysis, research, and the preparation of various legal documents that form the foundation of any case.
These documents, including pleadings and motions, are critical in presenting a client's arguments, outlining legal issues, and providing relevant facts and evidence to support their case.
Contrary to popular belief, the true nature of a lawyer's work lies in the diligent drafting of pleadings, motions, and other legal documents. While courtroom appearances may capture the public's attention, they represent a small part of a lawyer's responsibilities.
Attending a court hearing, including hearings in quasi-judicial agencies, is merely an incidental part of work as a lawyer. Indeed, lawyers are just here to facilitate the administration of justice and the speedy disposition of cases. By presenting well-crafted motions/pleadings, lawyers can shape the trajectory of a case and potentially expedite its resolution.
Remember that the court is "a court of record" - it cannot hear an Oral motion if the matter affects the party's substantive rights, which should be heard in an adversarial manner (Litigated Motions).
The court, as a "court of record," relies heavily on written submissions to understand the intricacies of a case and make informed decisions. Lawyers act as guardians of due process, ensuring that substantive rights are protected through a comprehensive and adversarial presentation of arguments.
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