Fiscal Fred Nojara, renowned criminal law lecturer, and prosecutor, expressed dismay over the illegal copying of his book.
Stealing someone's property is a crime under our laws. If the property stolen is one covered by the Intellectual Property Code like books, it is a crime under R.A. No. 8293. The act is called infringement. The law does not only punish the infringer but it also includes one who is abetting or aiding such infringement. The infringer and the bettor can be imprisoned for six years. He can be also held liable for damages and other civil liabilities.
This morning, a follower of this page sent these screenshots of a Facebook account offering book scanning service of law books. One of the books being scanned is my book, Book 2 of Criminal Law Concepts and Jurisprudence, 2022 edition, published by Central Bookstore.
Scanning is copying. Copying is stealing. Thus, it is a crime under thel law.
To the unscrupulous owner of that FB account or any one acting in its behalf, let this be a WARNING. You are warned to desist from doing the "scanning" as it violates the law. I will use my connections with the NBI and PNP cybercrime units to identify you. Once you are identified, a criminal complaint will be filed against you.
To those patronizing the services, do not buy scanned books. You are tolerating a criminal act.
Respect the author and the publisher."